February - April 2024: HOME Manchester. My sculptural ceramic vases were part of the Manchester Open exhibition 2024 at HOME. 
May - June 2024: The Horsfall, 42nd Street. My sculptural ceramic vase is part of the Future Is Ours exhibition 2024 at The Horsfall. 


These sculptural vases are inspired by the curves of landscapes, rolling hills, and mountains. Soft, delicate aspects of nature. I find joy in interpreting the world around me, translating landscapes into objects people can enjoy in their homes, both functional and beautiful. The asymmetric nature of these pieces, their curves, and contours, catch the light and cast ever-changing shadows as the sun moves in the sky throughout the day. 

Within The Soul

This sculptural vase is an expression of what creativity means to me. The two main body areas and two types of clay explore my relationship with creativity, showing that it isn’t something that is separate from us but comes from within. 

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